Programming Project Assignment: Password Checking
This Project can be done as a Python Application
Password Checking
Software to reset passwords often requires the user to enter the password twice, checking to make sure it was entered the same way both times. Write a program in Python that contains functions/methods in it that can verify that the two passwords entered are correct. Your project should contain a method that ask the user to enter a password twice, then either tell the user that the two entries were not the same and then start the process over again. Or, if they are the same, tell the user that the new password was accepted.
Additionally, the user is required to enter in a password that meets specific security requirements. Proper Passwords are required to follow these rules:
The password must be at least 8 characters long.
The password must contain at least:
– one alpha character [a-zA-Z];
– one numeric character [0-9];
– one character that is not alpha or numeric, such as
! @ $ % ^ & * ( ) – _ = + [ ] ; : ‘ ” , < . > / ? this is an example, all non-alpha or numeric characters should be included.
The password must not:
– Contain spaces;
– Or, begin with an exclamation [!] or a question mark [?];
Finally, the password cannot contain repeating character strings of 2 or more identical characters, such as 11 or aa.
Your task is to create a project to verify whether or not a prospective proper password meets these requirements and that the user has entered the correct password in twice. Hint, a modular solution to this assignment will be the most efficient approach to meeting the requirements of this project
The project should identify to the user the types of rule violations that are contained in an improperly entered password
The project should use a modular solution using user-defined functions
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