Discuss in 500 words or more the relationship between NIST and FISMA. This should not be a two part paper explaining what NIST and FISMA are separately. This question asks about the relationship between them.
Include at least one quote from 3 articles, place them in quotation marks and cite in-line (as all work copied from another should be handled).
Cite your sources in a reference list at the end. Do not copy without providing proper attribution (quotation marks and in-line citations). Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format.
Reply to two classmates’ posting in a paragraph of at least five sentences by asking questions, reflecting on your own experience, challenging assumptions, pointing out something new you learned, offering suggestions. These peer responses are not ‘attaboys’
The below items can help you
The Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) is United States legislation that defines a comprehensive framework to protect government information, operations and assets against natural or man-made threats. FISMA was signed into law part of the Electronic Government Act of 2002.
The Safeguards Rule of the Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 requires financial institutions to develop a written information security plan that describes how the company is prepared for, and plans to continue to protect clients’ nonpublic personal information.
Required Readingshttps://www.ftc.gov/tips-advice/business-center/guidance/financial-institutions-customer-information-complying
Required Videoshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YMNQfKqeBCw
Required PowerPointshttps://csrc.nist.gov/Projects/Risk-Management