Question 1
Please submit a Rmarkdown (word format) report capturing the following:Use the attached Iris Dataset: iris_exams.csv (click to download).Provide at least the following in the report for full credit: (1) Understanding the Data:
The structure of the data and a preview of the data.
Frequency Distribution. (Frequency Tables & Plots for each variable in the dataset (Barplots/Histograms)). Make sure to capture the skewness and kurtosis. – Provide an interpretation in one paragraph (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data.
Summary Statistics of the Data at least including mean, quartiles, min/max, and standard deviation.
Question 2
Using the mtcars dataset, demonstrate the skills you have learned so far in class and submit a Rmarkdown (word doc) report including the following:
Develop a hypothesis
What is your hypothesis?
What columns are IVs
What columns are DVs
What columns are ignoble (why)
Check for Errors & Missing Data
Clean the data
How did you deal with NAs
How did you deal with outliers
Check Assumptions using Parametric Tests
Homogeneity, Homoscedasticity
Question 3
Create a bar graph using the attached Iris dataset: iris_exams.csv (click to download). Compare the Sepal Length of the flower Species. Include the following:
Main Title
X and Y-Axis Labels
Colors by Species
Provide an interpretation in one paragraph (no more than 300 words) explaining the distribution of the data.
Which Species Sepal.Length is greater?