Describe the linkages of the work breakdown structure and the time-phased budget to arrive at an earned value analysis. What is the impact on earned value if the cost estimation is significantly lower because of low estimates or specification changes in the project? Provide examples of projects you have been involved with or read about that may have had this problem.
Required Readings
Read the following chapters in Cost and Value Management in Projects:
Chapter 5: Project Cost Control
Read the following journal articles to assist you in completing this week’s written assignment:
Visitacion, M. (2007, October). Exemplary EVM at Lawrence Livermore Labs. Contract Management, 47(10), 75-77. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.
Visitacion, M. (2007, September). Debunking Commonly Held EVM Myths. Contract Management, 47(9), 51-52. Retrieved from ProQuest Database.